Wow Joey! That was a superb interview. I confess to having a hard time with the Dan Rottenburg interview because I did not think he was really in touch with what was actually going on with the blatant, totalitarian censorship or the overwhelming social, economic and psychological diistress many americans are suffering from the crazy politics and insane dictates coming from both sides of the aisle. Paul on the other hand appears to be very in touch with the on the ground reality of his own country. The ways you linked what is happening in the UK to what is happening here in the US was illuminating and very helpful to widening the perspective.

I also liked that you shared about your midwest small town somewhat conservative upbringing and how you cannot judge or vew as the 'enemy', those who voted for Trump. That demonizing of each other is the scariest part of all this and both sides are doing it. Biden and Trump are continually pouring gasoline on the flames and it looks to me that both want civil unrest because it serves their own agendas.

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Oh, thank you for the kind words. And yes, the similarities between the Labour Party and our Democratic Party here in America is indeed notable and worthy of discussion. And Paul's book taught me a ton in that regard. I have a lot respect for him and his opinions and well thought out beliefs.

And we can also agree that "demonizing" each other based on the color of our Hat is a truly bad idea. We need to be better as a culture in that regard.

Thanks again for your continued time and energy on our T30 platform!

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