I would argue that the NYT has a pro-DEMOCRAT bias, not necessarily a pro-LEFT bias. The two are not synonymous by any stretch. I would further argue that, in NOT having a pro REPUBLICAN bias, the paper is likely to be more factual in it's reporting. I may sound harsh in making this claim, but it is absolutely provable that better educated folks tend to reside in the Democratic Party (excepting the very rich). If readership is your goal, it clearly pays to be factual and appeal to a more "liberal" audience OR, if you are so inclined, be less factual and appeal exclusively to the remaining gullible, "conservative" audience. I think this point about demographic-targeting is missed by Mr. Weiss's comments, but I have a hunch he is keenly aware and just chose not to go down the implied rabbit-hole.

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Beautifully written, sad, wish the days of great newspapers and great reporting would return.

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Well the New York Times most certainly has a Left Lean bias; with a 91% democrat readership! Very skewed to the left and incredibly unbalanced. Chris Hedges has spoken about this. Bari Weiss has spoken about this. Both are well respected journalists who have worked for the NYT. There were stories published; especially in regards to Covid and to Trump that have been obviously slanted and some that were even proven unfactual. (BTW I have NEVER supported Trump but I also do not have Trump derangement syndrome) IMO the NYT has basically become the mouthpiece for leftist agendas. I would like to learn something from this article but praising the NYT as some kind of great 'unbiased' news source was a real turn off for me because it is so provably untrue. Frankly if that is where you are getting your news these days, then please admit to the glaring bias of that publication. The Wall Street Journal in contrast is rated Center. 21% liberal, 22% conservative and 24% mixed political parties readership. Quite a bit more balanced readership with a Center bias. All of these stats can be easily verified.

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