Hello Sunshine (smile),

I really appreciate all of your time, effort, and expertise on the topic of gender dysphoria. I'm genuinely trying to understand this topic through a lens of compassion and empathy. And part of that effort includes interviewing people like Julie Bindel, Helen Joyce, and Lucy Masoud, all storied feminists/activists on the topic.

Please note that I do not agree with all the views and opinions of my guests (including these storied feminists), but I do not question their motives in the least. I believe their voices are important to this discussion... as were the lived experiences of the trans women I interviewed recently on the program.

On that note, True Thirty will be hosting it's first debate on the subject of Feminism and Trans Ideology in mid November, and I look forward to your comments and opinions on this very needed conversation. Because I agree with you... we need to have this discussion, or "nothing will get better until we do."

Oh, and thanks for reading my memoir... and the complimentary words ... It means a lot. :-)

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True feminism for Julie means silencing dissenting views, like Joanne Harris (author of Chocolat). Julie spearheaded an effort to have Joanne removed as chair of the SOA (society of Authors) because Joanne is a feminist who believes that transwomen are women. Julie drafted a letter accusing the SOA of being captured by gender activists and pressured people to sign it. Julie used her anti-trans activist contacts in the media to try an defame Joanne for months leading to a vote where Julie was badly defeated and embarrassed for her efforts. Julie has yet to apologize for the affair and the academia, fellow authors and her peers have lost total respect for her in the process. The only people that continue to prop her up and celebrate her are anti-trans activists that ignore her attempts to silence people that oppose her. Joey might think this type of silencing opposition is feminism. It's not. It's bullying tactics and should not be tolerated or celebrated. Julie is a radical anti-trans activist that will resort to anything to push her agenda. She has proven this many times over. Google Joanne Harris and Julie Bindel for more information. See Joanne's comments on her Twitter page. Joanne has been attacked and harassed by Julie mercilessly for the simple act of supporting trans-rights. Joanne fought back with dignity and class and is still a trans advocate to this day. Joey could learn a thing or two from her.

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