Wow... thanks for this well crafted Comment.

I agree with you that there is another group that "used to identify as liberal or moderate who are no basically sick of both parties." It's actually one of the main reasons we started T30, because we are too sick of all of the partisan nonsense - and for us specifically - the news reporting. We wanted to create a place for our readers/listeners to go when they wanted a nonpartisan approach - and at least the attempt at objectivity. We still show our individual biases more than I'd like, but we are working on it (smile).

And yes, we can also agree that Washington has lost touch with those that they are supposed to serve. And why good journalism is more important than ever.

Thanks again for your time and input. It's much appreciated!


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Thanks, buddy! Juan is good man, and I was indeed lucky to get him on my show.

Thanks, as always, for all of the support!

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With respect and appreciation for Mr Williams; there is another, quieter group of us who used to identify as liberal or moderate democrat who are now basically sick of both parties. The talking heads on both sides of the aisle are scarily out of touch with real reality on the ground. Alot of democrats I know only reluctantly voted for Biden as possibly a lesser evil than Trump. For many of us they are both tied neck and neck at this point in regards to who is the worst.

So there are in fact many of us in the liberal camp of the past, who do NOT support Trump but who also do not trust or support Biden either. Bernie Saunders expressed it well in his recent speech to the senate. I will paraphrase: 'Polls show that the american people no longer trust the government. They believe BOTH parties are corrupt and the majority now want a multi-party system.'

I agree with what Bernie says. I am not a socialist and I am no longer a 'liberal' or a democrat and I am not willing to become republican,. I , like many many americans, both republican and democrat, independent, etc want other, better choices. I wish that powerful voices in media would dialogue about how we can create what is truly wanted and needed by the people, instead of just continually analyzing the same old broken polarized system that isn't working.

Many democrats lost faith in the party when Bernie lost the nomination to Hilary. Trump was so bad he actually re-galvanized the lukewarm democrats to activate against him. But Biden was a terrible choice and we are paying the price for that. The only reason Trump still has traction is because Biden is so clearly out of it. What horrible candidate are the democrats going to foist on us next go round that we have to unwillingly vote for because we cannot afford to have Trump in office again?

Those of us who are barely surviving, who lost our jobs, careers and business because of the completely ineffective, draconian and destructive covid mandates; cannot afford to put gas in our cars. Yet Biden sanctions russian oil, which he was told would NOT stop Putin, and demands we all go electric. All the while pretending that coal or wood burning electrical plants are 'better' than oil. Yes we need to address pollution, but this proposed method only creates more pollution and environmental damage. I won't even go there with the insanity of getting into bed with the Saudis and claiming China is one of most free societies in the world as Nancy Pelosi did.

There are huge problems for a growing number of us who have witnessed Biden's incompetency and lies throughout his tenure; which have created great social instability, fear and chaos. This is far beyond 'infighting' in the democratic party! Again with all respect to Mr. Williams, what is happening in Washington DC does not accurately reflect the reality that the american people are experiencing on the ground. And this has been a big problem with the democrats for a long time. They are so busy arguing and posturing over rights and ideologies and carbon taxing, they are completely dropping the ball in regards to basic survival.

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Nice get.

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